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Reading a manual over and over again is boring. And you can't retain all the important information easily this way. Instead, make studying more fun. Simply use our engaging test simulators that actively prepare you to take the RTA Test in New South Wales.
The Three P's to NSW RTA Test Success - Prepare, Practice, Pass.
See exactly how the tests are structured and the types of questions you'll need to answer to pass. Everything is here to help you study so you won't even miss the NSW RTA manual.
Use the practice tests to study and prep for the RTA exam. Take the tests as many times as you need. Retake difficult questions until you're confident you're ready for the main test.
Sign up for the NSW RTA test with the knowledge that you've studied and practiced with the right type of materials to help you pass. Take the test and enjoy the feeling of success.
Get Ready For Your 2019 NSW MyRTA DKT (Driver Knowledge Test)
You don't need to sign up for an account or register with us to access our free tests. Just click through and start practicing. You can access as many tests as you want as often as you need so you can prepare for the NSW RTA.
Try our interactive practice tests. You get immediate feedback on test questions and color-coded answers to help you track your progress. The explanations provided with each question help you to understand and learn as you go.
Our tests use the same number of questions as the actual NSW RTA test and are structured in a similar way, so you'll know what to expect on the big day. Plus, we use the NSW Road User's Handbook, so you get current info.
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