
How to Become an Uber Driver | Understand The Requirements!

How to Become an Uber Driver | Understand The Requirements!

Ah yes, driving. The passion and interest of many people in the world. Sometimes, people wish they could make a career out of something they love and desire. It’s quite impossible to do so since their passion is way off the charts of something that could be molded into a formidable career. But not driving! Certainly not driving! Driving is something that has been both a career and a passion for a long time.

Ah yes, driving. The passion and interest of many people in the world. Sometimes, people wish they could make a career out of something they love and desire. It’s quite impossible to do so since their passion is way off the charts of something that could be molded into a formidable career. But not driving! Certainly not driving! Driving is something that has been both a career and a passion for a long time.

Recently, the career in driving has turned sophisticated with the advent of rideshare companies like Uber, Lyft, Easy Taxi, etc. Our focus today is on Uber; or more specifically, what is it like to drive for Uber and how to become an Uber driver. Uber has been making a name for itself for quite some time now and it only feels natural to allow the people to be aware of how it works, what is it like to work for it and, finally, how to apply for Uber driver.

Let’s get right into it!

Preliminary Information:

Before we take you to the whole procedure of how you can start working as a driver for Uber, you must first know this small chunk of information first. This is vital for you, as it may either change your mind for becoming an Uber driver or motivate you even further to become one.

 1- First of all, it is self-employment. You are your own boss and there is no one who can tell you otherwise. You work as an -independent contractor, so no one can bother you when you take some time for yourself as you are freely allowed to do anything you want. Perks of being a boss, ‘eh? As much as you would like to think the job is all fun and games, it really is not. Without proper supervision or routine restriction, you might end up spoiled and not wanting to get out of bed early to get some bread.

It’s in human nature to slack off, and there’s nothing wrong with it other than the fact that you would be losing a good amount of time which you could have spent earning money. So, if you want to become an Uber driver, make sure you are strict on yourself as any other boss would be… albeit enjoying all the perks of being your own boss.

 2- Secondly, you may not want this job if you are shy about meeting strangers or are introverted. This is a job that requires strong coordination and communication with the complete strangers you pick up from the street through the internet and drive them to their destination. If you think you can not do this with complete confidence or feel nervous while doing so, you might consider some other options of driving, like Uber Eats.

 3- Lastly, the job pay varies on how much you work and what kind of work you do while driving for Uber. On average, an Uber driver might make anywhere from 10$-30$ depending upon the travel distance, time, and mileage. This means that if there is bad traffic, you might get paid more than usual.

Uber Driver Requirements:

Becoming an Uber driver demands some skillset and some conditions satisfied. The list of requirements you need to become an Uber driver is mentioned below:

 1- Be at least 21 years old

 2- Hold a full driver’s license in any Australian state or territory for the past 12 months

 3- Be listed as an ensured driver

 4- Own a vehicle that matches Uber’s requirements

Apart from the official requirements, you also need to have a clean background record. If you have a driving rules violation attached to your name, recently you might not be considered for Uber as Uber demands drivers that are at the top of the line.

Uber Vehicle Requirements:

In order to become an Uber driver, you must first possess a vehicle that matches the list of Uber Vehicle Requirements. It varies from city to city but we’ll list the options available in Sydney to give a basic idea:


The most basic category of Uber vehicles for which most of the vehicles qualify. In order to get your vehicle accepted as an UberX car, you must have your vehicle:

 1- In an excellent working condition

 2- At most 10 years old

 3- Have 4 doors

 4- Are not taxis or Government vehicle

 5- Are registered and CTP-insured in NSW


This category includes vehicles with larger carrying capacity than UberX vehicles and is basically an UberX on steroids. Should you want to be enlisted as an UberXL driver, your car must be:

 1- In an excellent working condition

 2- At most 10 years old

 3- A 4-door SUV or Van

 4- Have at least 7 seats including the driver

 5- Are not taxis or Government vehicle

 6- Are registered and CTP-insured in NSW


This category deals with taking the disabled, elderly, or other people who are unable to travel. It requires an already enlisted Uber driver to have a rating of at least 4.7 and have over 100 trips. An Assist vehicle:

 1- Must be in an excellent working condition

 2- At most 10 years old

 3- Have 4 doors

 4- Have 4-7 seats plus the driver

 5- Have a functioning air conditioning system

 6- Can accommodate folding wheelchairs, walkers, or other walk-assisting devices

 7- Are not taxis or Government vehicle

 8- Are registered and CTP-insured in NSW


UberTAXI is an on-demand Taxi service whose drivers need to be verified taxi drivers accredited in NSW and have a licensed taxi.

Uber Premium: An option to drive people around in your luxury vehicle, Uber Premium is a gold category ride option that pays a lot more than a usual ride. This requires you to already be enlisted in Uber as a driver and have both a minimum rating of 4.6 and have completed over 20 trips. To drive as an Uber Premium, your vehicle must:

 1- Be a luxury car

 2- Be in excellent working condition

 3- Be at most 6 years old

 4- Comfortable and have 4 seats

 5- Have a working air conditioning system

How to become an Uber Driver:

At last, we are here, ladies and gentlemen, to answer the question of the hour. How does one become an Uber driver? It’s a fairly simple process, to be honest.

In order to become an Uber driver, you must first sign up at Uber. Head over to www.uber.com/signup/drive and enter your primary details to get registered. After that, you will have to enter the details for your vehicle, and in the end, submit necessary documents that prove your identity. You must also consent to be performed a background check on and if you deny, you cannot go any further. If you do, however, agree with that, you’ve completed the process! Yes, that’s it. You’ll then be reviewed by Uber and there are several layers of checks before they accept you. You must wait for quite some time to hear back from them and when you do, hopefully, you will become an Uber driver.

Is becoming an Uber driver worth it?

This is a fairly controversial question, to be honest. It all depends on your personality, mentality, and psyche. If you think you can stay dedicated, work hard, be nice to your customers, and be willing to do anything it takes to earn money through Uber, you’re the perfect guy for the job! If not, well, that’s bad news right there for you. Pay from Uber is not as significant as a full-time job at a multi-million-dollar company, but it is enough to get you through life easily provided your living standards to match your earnings.

Before becoming an Uber driver seems pretty fun if you can manage it, but can be disappointing if you don’t know how to drive. That’s not an issue at all, you can always take an online driving test and Easy Driving Test can help you with this task very well!

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